Dear Readers, please note that the website is currently frozen and not being updated. Since its beginnings in 2006 the site has been consistently acknowledged as a very useful resource for yoga studies, but is in need of some rethinking and restructuring to get it up to date. The site managers and other interested parties are looking into the matter, and we hope that a new version of the site will be offered to the public in due course. In the meantime, do feel free to enjoy its contents, and thank you for your interest in our work!

Site Advisory Board
Prof. Joseph Alter
Prof. David Gordon White
Prof. Dominik Wujastyk
Site Managers
Dr Elizabeth De Michelis
(Senior manager) more…
Dr Suzanne Newcombe
Dr Mark Singleton
Site Contributors
Dr Andrea Acri
Dr Michel Angot
Prof. Karl Baier
Dr Jason Birch
Prof. Christian Bouy
Prof. Johannes Bronkhorst
Prof. Gudrun Bühnemann
Dr Ann Gleig
Prof. Ellen Goldberg
Dr Philipp André Maas
Prof. Paolo Magnone
Dr James Mallinson
Prof. Andrew J. Nicholson
Prof. Federico Squarcini